Ahn Eun-jin chose family over ♥ Nam KoongMin..Night Run of Tears → Parting Again (‘My Dearest’) [Roundup]

My Dearest Nam Koong-min and Ahn Eun-jin even ran away at night, but they broke up again.

In the MBC Friday-Saturday drama “My Dearest,” which aired on the 2nd, Lee Jang-hyun (Nam KoongMin) and Yoo Gil-chae (An Eun-jin) were seen parting again.

Lee Jang-hyun and Yoo Gil-chae finally met after a long journey. However, Yoo Gil-chae was about to marry another man, and Lee Jang-hyun was greatly shocked. Yoo Gil-chae, who thought Lee Jang-hyun was dead, also hardened like ice as if her heart stopped when she saw Lee Jang-hyun who appeared in front of her.

Yoo Gil-chae did not accept Koo Hae-moo (played by Ji Seung-hyun) from the beginning. However, Yoo Gil-chae eventually allowed his heart to Goo Hae-mu, who helped his father and cared about him in many ways.

And first, when Liang Eum (played by Kim Yoon-woo) who visited Hanyang witnessed Yoo Gil-chae and Koo Won-moo’s friendly appearance, misunderstanding built up. Liang Eum did not give any explanation to Yoo Gil-chae, who Lee Jang-hyun thought was dead, causing regret.

Lee Jang-hyun went a long way and stood in front of Yoo Gil-chae, but felt great sadness at his situation that could not easily reach her. In the end, Lee Jang-hyun threw the fine flower shoes into the fire. For Lee Jang-hyun, the flower shoes are a longing for Yu Gil-chae and the heart of Yeon-mo itself. Through the appearance of burning such flower shoes, I could guess how painful Lee Jang-hyun’s heart was.

Yoo Gil-chae, who saw Lee Jang-hyun, who had been mistaken for dead, ran to him, saying, “What do you mean you were alive?” However, Lee Jang-hyun, who was disappointed by Yoo Gil-chae, said, “Can’t you live without a man even for a single day?” Are you trying to get married again because you couldn’t stand it. “If anyone just needs a man, why didn’t you come to me at least once?” he said ironically. In response, Yoo Gil-chae also said, “You saw it right away. I can’t live without a man for a single day. “I can’t bear it because I’m lonely both physically and mentally,” he said to Lee Jang-hyun, “I can’t share anything with a great man who doesn’t mean anything.”

Later, Yoo Gil-chae, who met with Lee Jang-hyun again, said, “He is a good person.” He is a lifesaver.” In response, Lee Jang-hyun explained, “It was not the man who saved the girl that day, but I was the one who saved her,” but Yoo Gil-chae did not believe it. Then Yoo Gil-chae said, “I thought the young master was dead. “I thought I would never see you again,” he appealed with tears.

Lee Jang-hyun, who knew that there was a misunderstanding due to Liang Eum’s lie, told Yoo Gil-chae, “It doesn’t matter now. It doesn’t matter if there’s a man to propose to. You, now I shall have it.” However, Yoo Gil-chae said, “Since Ham came, it is the same as a marriage. It’s too late,” he said, declining his mind. However, Lee Jang-hyun hugged Yoo Gil-chae tightly and said, “Please give me a chance, too. He confessed, “I will never leave the girl behind again,” adding, “I will prepare a ship, so let’s leave together.”

Eventually, Yoo Gil-chae, who was shaken, took Lee Jang-hyun’s hand and left together. When Yoo Gil-chae disappeared, Koo Hae-moo thought he was kidnapped and went out to find her.

Yoo Gil-chae, who was tied up for one night in one room, asked Lee Jang-hyun, “Are you going to be my husband?” In response, Lee Jang-hyun said, “It’s my heart because it’s a fish that’s now caught,” but added, “It’s not fair to say Western.” I’m going to be a servant of a girl. “My body, mind, and heart belong to the girl,” he confessed in a romantic way. At this time, Kyung Eun-ae (played by Lee Da-in) visited Yoo Gil-chae and said, “Gu Won-mu is looking for a person.” So don’t go towards the triangular ferry. Don’t worry. Leave it to me to clean up the mess.”

Upon hearing that Yoo Gil-chae may have followed Lee Jang-hyun, Koo Won-moo said, “It is not a crime for my husband to kill his adultery wife and man. “If a streetcar lady followed him, I would kill him,” he said, expressing.

The next day, Lee Jang-hyun left alone to look at the escape route other than the triangular ferry. Meanwhile, Yoo Gil-chae left to meet her father, who would be worried about her, for the last time. Yoo Gil-chae left a letter to Lee Jang-hyun, saying, “I’ll say hello to my father, so go to the ferry first,” and headed to meet my father.

Lee Jang-hyun, who arrived at the ferry first, waited for Yu Gil-chae without hesitation. As soon as he was about to leave after saying goodbye to his father, Yoo Gil-chae ran into Koo Won-mu. Leaving such a relief dance behind, Yoo Gil-chae left to meet Lee Jang-hyun.

However, Yoo Gil-chae returned to her family’s arms. Decided not to choose Lee Jang-hyun and marry Salvation Dance. Lee Jang-hyun shed tears as he watched Yoo Gil-chae from afar. Yoo Gil-chae said, “It is true that I was shaken for a while, but I don’t trust or cherish you enough to abandon everything and follow you. Forget everything about me now,” he wrote coldly. In the end, Lee Jang-hyun also shed tears and dumped his flower shoes into the river. In that way, the two had another sad breakup.

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