Ultimate Guide to Universal Studios Japan(USJ): Perfect Family Experience with essentials of Early Entry ticket(Early Access with a Special Pass)

Summary of this my personal guide through my experience

  1. Universal Studios Japan Admission Fee:
    • Emphasize the importance of maximizing enjoyment rather than solely focusing on discounts.
    • Suggest that visitors prioritize experiences and attractions over minor discounts.
  2. Choosing Tickets: Early Admission vs. Express Ticket:
    • Recommend early admission tickets (Early Access with a Special Pass) over more expensive express tickets.
    • Early admission allows entry one hour before the park opens to the general public.
    • Utilize this early entry advantage to reach popular attractions like Nintendo World ahead of the crowds.
    • Mention the opportunity to buy a power-up band for Nintendo World during the early entry hour to avoid waiting in lines.
  3. Suggested Itinerary:
    • Provide a strategic itinerary for using early admission to enjoy key attractions with minimal wait times.
    • Start with popular attractions like Mario Kart and Yoshi Adventure in Nintendo World.
    • Progress to other attractions like Spider-Man and Jurassic Park.
    • Mention the manageable waiting times, even without an express ticket, for attractions like Spider-Man.
  4. Re-entry and Resting:
    • Address the possibility of re-entering the park.
    • Note that re-entry is feasible and can be beneficial for resting or taking breaks.
    • Share a personal experience of obtaining a re-entry stamp, even staying at a specific hotel for added convenience.

Universal Studio Ticket Tips

Many people are planning to visit Japan due to the fall in the Japanese yen exchange rate. And families with children are also places where Universal Studios Japan is always included in travel options.
Then, I’ll give you a tip to enjoy Universal Studios Japan. What should I choose for Universal Studios tickets?

Universal Studios Japan Admission Fee

There is no big discount on the Universal Studio entrance fee. There are a lot of fishing posts about discounting admission fees, so rather than that, it’s better to think about how to enjoy Universal Studios more at a given time. It is much more memorable to go and enjoy more than to get a little discount.

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Universal Studio Japan early admission ticket(Early Access with a Special Pass) and express ticket

Which would be better, an early admission ticket or an express ticket? Those who haven’t experienced it are more likely to say express tickets. And express tickets are much more expensive.

However, as I have already experienced it, I recommend early admission tickets rather than express tickets. If you have an early admission ticket, you will enter an hour before others. An hour? An hour? Some of you might say that.

If you enter an hour first, you go straight and turn right at the same time as entering the theme park and run to Nintendo World. An hour earlier open run that can only be done by those with early admission tickets!

This is the first step that can control the schedule of Universal Studios Japan for the day. Enter 1 hour ahead and finish Nintendo World’s Mario Kart and Yoshi Adventure without waiting. And the other important thing is that before entering the Nintendo World entrance, you have to buy a power-up band and enter the Nintendo World. Power-up band purchases are early admission tickets, and there is no waiting line when entering an hour early, but there is a waiting line afterwards.

Nintendo World and Spider Man

After finishing Mario Kart and Yoshi Adventure, I look around Nintendo goods at the store and accomplish the mission of Power Up Band. And slowly and leisurely move to Spider-Man. I sit on the bench and eat the food I brought with me on the way. (You can’t bring in food? Everything is possible. They don’t check thoroughly when entering.)

It’s a little over 9 o’clock. It’s time for those who don’t have early tickets to come in and run to Nintendo World. When they run to Nintendo World, we finish Nintendo World with early admission tickets, and we move to Spider-Man.

Even if you don’t use an express ticket on Spider-Man, the waiting time is about 15 minutes. I experienced it many times without much waiting. Isn’t it such a fantastic schedule? In fact, we bought early admission tickets and express tickets in advance on the first day of the two days, but we couldn’t use all the express tickets. I didn’t have to use that expensive ticket. Was it off-season? No, it was the peak season.

Since I stayed at the Hotel more Singulari for 300 USD per night, it will be proof that it is the peak season, right? The Singular Hotel is a hotel that costs less than 100 USD during the off-season.

Jurassic Park

After that, we move to Jurassic Park and explore The Flying Dinosaur Jurassic Park The Ride. If you look up my visit to Japan, there is a tip for the Flying Dinosaur several more times. How to ride it a few times very fast.

I don’t have to tell you about the schedule after that, right? Even though it was the peak season, I experienced so much in just one day that people around me were surprised.
Express tickets only give you one chance, but early admission gives you a lot of chances. Don’t buy expensive express tickets, buy early tickets and enjoy Universal Studios Japan even more.

Is it possible to re-enter?

There is a notice on Universal Studios Japan homepage. Re-entry is only available between members per year.
Everyone, you can re-enter. We stay at the Hotel de Singulari. ‘I have something to go for a while,’ I said, and he stamped the seal on the back of his hand, which was invisible, but was marked by a special flash.

Re-entry is possible, so if you want to enter early in the morning and rest for a while, you can rest at the hotel and visit again at night opening.

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